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The Champagne Guide To Moving

Writer's picture: thechampagneseriesthechampagneseries

This blog series is coming to you from many different perspectives. Ironically, both of us sisters went through a move during a similar time; so, with our recent experiences, we want to give you our Champagne guide to moving into a new place!

Moving Out:

1) Sort, Throw out, Organize, and Pack all your stuff.

Moving out is probably the hardest part of moving because, let's be honest, you never really realize how much stuff you have until you're forced to pack it all up. When you begin going through your items, we suggest starting room by room and doing your organizing in a systemic matter so you know what you're dealing with.

Throw out anything you don't use, anything you forgot you had, and anything that may have been sitting in your space for a while. We know it's hard to part with items; but, if you didn't notice or use them at your old place, chances are you won't use them at your new place either.

Pack your items in boxes/ bins based on the room you are working on --- this way when it comes time to unpacking you can easily pin point where everything is located.

Oh and be sure to LABEL!

2) Clean, Double Check, and Turn in your Keys.

Prior to moving out for good, you want to make sure you give your place a THOROUGH clean. If you're renting from someone, or handing you place over, no one wants to be reminded that someone occupied the space before they moved in. If you're dealing with a landlord, they sometimes charge you for cleaning if you leave the place ...well, dirty.

If you had to do a checklist of issues with the place when you moved in, make sure you go over the check list again. Always be sure that the place is left EXACTLY how you met it; otherwise, you may never get your security deposit back or you may even be charged extra money.

On your last day of moving, always remember to turn in your keys!

Moving In:

The first thing you want to do is settle on a move in date. Generally, these are already settled once you sign your lease, but it's always good make sure you have the date in writing.

Once you have your move in date and your welcome letter or lease in hand, you can then buy/transfer your renter's insurance, rent and schedule a U-Haul (if you have a lot of stuff), connect/transfer your power (and other utilities), buy/transfer and connect your internet, and change over your mailing address and or license.

When all of the paperwork and logistics are squared away, all you have to do is wait. You may be wondering what you're waiting for and the answer is... for your new Keys!!

Generally you won't get your keys until the day of move in- obviously for safety reasons and for any last minute paperwork that needs to be done.

If you are starting from scratch, our suggestion is to find out what the landlord/complex provides: ie lights, blinds etc. This way you will know exactly what essentials need to be bought prior to moving in. While you're waiting for your exact date to come up, use the time to shop for all of your essentials - towels, dishes, hangers, sheets, cleaning supplies etc.

  • On move-in day, you should have your security deposit in hand (either a check or money order) and or whatever balance of fees you're expected to pay.

  • Get your U-Haul or call your moving company to transport your items to your new place.

  • Prior to moving your things in, you want to complete your checklist, itemizing everything that may or may not be wrong with the apt. **Keep a copy of this for move out date.

  • Do a thorough re-clean of your new place - the complex or landlord might have done their due diligence; but it's always better to start off knowing you cleaned your home yourself! (TRUST US).

  • If you don't have movers, be sure to have some friends or family to help you unload and unpack all your stuff.


This is probably the last thing anyone wants to talk about, but it's important! When moving it is super important to have a chunk of savings in your bank account. Not only is moving expensive (especially if you're starting from scratch), but you want to be able to cover any additional incidentals PLUS your regular expenses.

If you don't have someone agreeing to help you with your moving expenses - ensuring that you are prepared to move is the biggest thing to consider before ACTUALLY moving.

Some helpful tips are to pick a second job where you can earn an extra $100-$200 per month to give you some breathing room - aka recovery funds and/or shopping funds if needed. This is super helpful because you won't end up draining your savings trying to get yourself situated.

When it comes to money and moving you want to be as realistic as possible. If you don't use cable - opt not to get it. If you don't use streaming - opt for basic wifi. No one really needs all the bells and whistles when you're starting over. Sure it's nice to have them, and if you do then great; but, don't allow the stress of having everything "guest ready" deter you from making the best financial decisions for you when it comes to your living situation!

We hope our guide to moving helped and if you need a quick reference guide to keep track of what to do, feel free to download our Checklist!


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