So, you've just decided to make the big move. You're all ready to start your new life, leave the old things behind and jet set to where ever it is you've recently chosen to reside.
You book your plane ticket, you're excited to get to where you're going- then it hits you.
Smack dab in the face, reality sinks in and you realize that moving isn't as easy as people make it seem.
After I recently made my own move, I could tell you... a million and one emotions held me hostage as I got off of the airplane to begin my new life in a different country. Driving down the highway and looking at my new surroundings... I was overwhelmed and not fully sure if I had made the right decision because I knew that starting over was going to be hard.
Typically, I've always been the "safe one". The one to always have a plan and the one that's not the most spontaneous when it comes to making drastic decisions. For me, moving away "all of a sudden" was a risk and a shock for both myself and the few people who knew that I was leaving.
To be honest, after I came to grips with my reality, I had no intention of leaving the place I called home- I intended on building my life and starting a family there...but life never really goes as planned does it?
Despite all of the factors above, being scared and the not-so-risk taker in my family, I had to keep it moving and still somehow make my life what I wanted it to be.
I said I would move; and ten times out of ten I always do what I say.
Needless to say, I'm actively pursuing what I set out to do but also trusting in faith that things will turn out okay because, to be honest, no one ever said that leaving the stability of your own home/country on a whim would be so drastically difficult.
I mean it's no wonder that some people never leave the comforts of what they know to attempt going after the things they really want because you're literally starting your life from scratch, not to mention that taking this leap of faith is super intimidating and also very daunting.
You're forced to do everything on your own and make an entirely new identity for yourself as you learn to navigate your new life.
For starters, getting set up is no easy feat. Unless you have all of your immigration paperwork in order you won't be able to do anything! You may have to go to local offices to apply for missing pieces of information or if you know that documentation will be mailed, you'll simply have to wait for it to arrive. Without having all of the necessary documents you'll literally be stuck in limbo because everywhere you go and everything you need requires these things to initiate business.
You'll also need to get your first official ID because ironically you can't set up even the simplest of things such as a phone plan without it. If you're moving to a US state, you'll need to have bills to even get in the door for obtaining a drivers license, etc so applying for a state ID before anything else (after you have all your immigration documents in hand) is definitely beneficial.
Besides a getting phone plan, bank card, ID, and drivers license, you'll have to do research about the place you're moving to. See what they require you do after you've made the move. You'll also need to look up insurance companies, accountants, (if you have to pay taxes) how to license your car, and car dealerships (if there's no public transportation or if you're not shipping your car).
I'll have you know that all of the above is a pain in the butt because if there isn't a sure way of getting around or you hadn't planned any of these things out beforehand, it will not only take up a lot of your time but you'll also have no credibility to be able to obtain everything super easily if you're just getting started.
The same goes for finding an apartment. You'll find that you may need to be in a certain income bracket to be even able to apply for certain living establishments. If you moved to a country/city with family or friends and can live with them until you're better established this may be the best idea until you can get yourself on your feet.
Keep in mind that you'll also need someone to cosign your lease, so make sure you have a person willing to vouch for you.
Speaking of other people... unless you're moving to a place where you already have friends, making new friends may be tough. I suggest spending time at a local coffee shop, getting a gym membership, or joining an organization to meet new people. You should also try to keep in touch with others from your hometown to ensure that you maintain the relationships that are most important to you.
Aside from logistics, housing, and relationships, money is another factor that may get you down.
Keep in mind that sometimes, when you're looking to advance yourself, you will have to make compromises.
Yes, we all want to maintain our current lifestyles, but sometimes the season you're in calls for some humbling. You may not be able to have the same quality of life you had at home with the money you'll be making when you move. You may even have to work a job you don't necessarily love or even get a second job to offset your expenses. But the beauty is, though things may be rough starting out...all that hustling and grinding will pay off and your ceiling of income and quality of life can quickly increase given you put in the work.
This brings me to one of the last things you should know after you've moved. Everywhere you go is going to be different. There will be different customs, cuisine, mannerisms, politics, courtesies...and you have to adjust. This doesn't mean to change who you are and what you believe in, it simply means that you should be the hope in the middle of chaos while also learning to be integrated into the system.
In order to survive, you must have some sort of order in your life because everybody craves it- whether we care to admit it or not.
Life is a series of systems and unless we actively work those systems- nothing will turn out the way we envision. Yes, initially after moving a lot of things may get you down but don't let those first set of discouragements deter you from making the life you want for yourself or allow you to sink back into your comfort zone.
Sometimes, elevation requires uncomfortability and if you're unwilling to be uncomfortable for a period of time then, unfortunately, you'll never become all that you were destined to be. Don't be afraid to fail and never be afraid to call on others to help out when you need it.
Here at The Champagne Series, we're committed to sharing the things that nobody told us so that you have an easier time creating the life you want to live! So there you have it- some heads up on when you decide to move and what to expect when you do it.
P.S. If you're having trouble deciding to move from the place you call home, be sure to check out this post and let us know in the comments below if there are some other things people should know once they've decided to relocate!