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Curating the Perfect At Home Workspace: What Every Modern Woman Needs to Know

Updated: May 8, 2019

First thing's first...never underestimate the power of a good workspace. When I started working on The Champagne Series, I thought that I could get stuff done while laying in my bed or sitting on the couch. Though I was extremely comfortable, most of the time I ended up getting really lazy and too often I took much longer to do things than I planned to.

I soon realized that a functional personalized workspace was more than necessary if I really wanted to be productive. To be honest, there's something liberating about coming home to a designated area not only where you can unwind, but where you feel ready to conquer the world!

If you're also ready to conquer the world and become more productive at home, here are some unique ways that'll help you unleash you inner boss woman and maximize your efficiency.

1) Make your space adjustable

Being in control of your workspace is one way to make you feel in charge. When you're in charge of how you're working, you're more than likely able to pump out the exact quality of work you desire simply because you feel empowered. Adjustability also works if you want to change your space depending on your mood. This can be done with lighting, an adjustable chair, decor, or even a moveable desk. Take it from me, altering your space to match your mood gives a much needed sense of freedom that you otherwise wouldn't have had after a long workday in a stuffy office (if you have a 9-5).

2) Keep it simple

Clutter is never good for the brain. In fact seeing clutter distracts the brain cells and reduces your working memory. If you keep your space clean and minimalistic you'll find that your focus is increased and that you can actually process information better. This leads to a much higher sense of productivity. Remember, simple doesn't have to mean empty or lacking personal style... you can always spruce up your area with unique accents and pops of color!

3) Have a task list

Every time you sit at your desk, you want to know exactly what you're going to accomplish. I always struggle with using planners even though I'm very organized. However, when I write small tasks down and allot a certain amount of time to do them, I find that I accomplish way more by the end of the evening! You can pick up a cute task list or buy a white board and place it above your desk or maybe get creative and make one yourself! Just always have it in sight to make sure you stay on track!

4) Good Lighting

No matter what career path you're on, good lighting is essential! No one wants to be working and straining their eyes especially when straining leads to headaches. I suggest to find a space near a window or create the lighting you desire around you. You can go to your local hardware store to craft your own lighting or simply grab a lamp from another room to set the mood.

5) Choose your Colors

Your own workspace is all about creating a vibe. What do you want to feel when you get to your home office? How do you want to react? Believe or not, color has a lot to do with how you feel so you want to pick/ have colors around you that make you feel both creative and amazing! My sister and I love the chic look of grey's so our work spaces mostly feature this element with some pinks here and there to make things a little daintier. Our tip: Find what works for you and most of all use what makes you feel the most inspired.

If you want to do further reading on how to be more productive in your day, we've linked an article to one of our fav blog sites Career Girl Daily!

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